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Kissing Camels

 About Us & Our Approach 

Building Character

Jūjutsu is the way to the most effective use of physical, mental, and spiritual strength. By teaching you attacks and defenses it refines your body, your mind, and your soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of jūjutsu a part of your very being. In this way, you are able to perfect yourself and contribute something of value to the world.

Our Culture is built around this quote:

"Self Defense is not just a set of techniques.

It's a mindset that begins with the belief that


The principle of maximum efficient use of mind and body is the fundamental principle governing all the techniques of jūjutsu. This principal can also be applied to the improvement of the human body making it strong, healthy, and useful, and so constitute physical education. It can also be applied to the improvement of intellectual and moral power, and this case constitutes mental and moral education. It can be applied to the improvement of diet, clothing, housing, social interaction, and methods of business, therefore constituting a study in living. Jūjutsu, in its fuller sense, is a study and a method of training in mind, body, and spirit as well as in the regulation of life and affairs.

Self-Defense Academy of COS's mission is to raise the physical confidence and overall wellness of students of all ages by teaching a complete and efficient self-defense & wellness skill set within a safe, clean, positive,

and respectful environment.

There are so many great reasons to join us and become part of our "Framily" (friends that are family). We believe that our holistic Self-Defense approach is a gateway to improving your life on so many levels. Some arrive at our studio in search of developing confidence, physical fitness, and street smarts. Others are looking to generate a sense of courage and inner peace. There are also those that are drawn to this art form due to their love of the culture and tradition that it embodies. Whatever your motivation, you will discover an inspiring world of self-transformation.


Join us! You will be so grateful you did.

Flip Awesome Aguilera

Founder & Head Instructor

Meet Flip Awesome Aguilera, our founder and head instructor, who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our Jujutsu community. With a passion for holistic health and a dedication to lifelong learning, Flip has been educating and supporting clients of all ages since 2002.

A proud alumni of the prestigious University of Miami, Flip earned his certificate in Sports Coaching, setting the foundation for his journey in fitness and wellness. He holds certifications as a NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, a Precision Nutrition Health Coach, and a licensed Chek Holistic Lifestyle Coach, reflecting his commitment to comprehensive and individualized approaches to health and well-being.

Throughout his career, Flip has demonstrated versatility and excellence in various fitness disciplines. From teaching group fitness classes encompassing children's gymnastics, yoga, boot camp, and cycling to serving as a personal trainer to the stars, his expertise knows no bounds. Flip's passion for movement extends beyond the gym, as evidenced by his achievements in ballroom dancing events, bodybuilding competitions (earning 3rd place), and consistently ranking in the top 10% in mountain bike races, obstacle races, and marathons.

In 2019, Flip discovered his newest passion: Jujutsu. Instantly captivated by the art's blend of technique, strategy, and philosophy, Flip integrated Jujutsu into his personal routine, sparking a newfound dedication to its practice and principles.

Driven by a desire to create a Jujutsu community reflective of the values instilled by his mentors, Flip embarked on a journey to Colorado Springs with his wife. Inspired by the teachings of the Valente Brothers in his hometown of Miami, Flip sought to establish a school that embodied their ethos of excellence, integrity, and inclusivity. Encouraged by the Valente Brothers, who recognized his passion and potential, Flip took the leap and founded our studio, inviting others to join us on this remarkable journey of growth and exploration.

At Self Defense Academy COS, you'll find more than just a place to train – you'll become part of a supportive and dynamic community committed to personal development and empowerment. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, Flip and our team are here to guide you every step of the way. Join us and become a part of our story today!

Flip Awesome Aguilera - Head Instructor
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